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How Cinema Can Help You Find Hard to Reach Audiences

Learn how marketers can use cinema to take targeting to new levels and get infront of attentive audiences that are otherwise hard to find.

When you’re at the cinema, you’ll find just about every age group go through its doors at some time or other. For brands, it means a great potential to reach new audiences and get in front of specific demographics. What makes cinema really stand out though is that movie audiences are captivated ones. They aren’t sitting on their smartphones and they aren’t chatting or doing their ironing while they watch. This report discusses why you should steer your next marketing campaign towards the silver screen.

Report Snap Shot

  • You had me at hello: stats from the cinema industry
  • The key demographics you could reach
  • Methods of advertising in cinemas (hint: it's not just on-screen)
  • The benefits of cine-advertising