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How to Measure ABM from Start to Success

After years of back and forth, the arguments about whether or not account-based marketing (ABM) is worthwhile have subsided.

More than 80% of marketers say that ABM outperforms other marketing initiatives, and more than 90% of marketers believe that ABM is essential to B2B marketing. There’s no doubt that ABM is an optimal strategy for B2B marketers, but there are obstacles that can hinder its effectiveness. It’s important to remember that without proper measurement in place at the onset of implementation, true business impact will be a pipe dream.

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This guide explores:

  • How ABM metrics differ from lead-based metrics
  • Why most people think their ABM programs are failing
  • How to use data to adjust your ABM campaigns

Solution Categories

Account Based Marketing Software

Account Based Marketing Software

Account Based Marketing (ABM) software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses ...