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The Essential Framework for Optimizing Marketing Performance

Today’s marketers are in a race to execute as fast as possible.

Predictive, Attribution, Account-Based Marketing – all of these are potential marketing game-changers, and if executed well, they can increase revenue. However, Aberdeen Group reported that only 19% of marketers have comprehensive tracking & reporting practices in place, and according to The CMO Survey, 69% of companies have yet to prove the long-term quantitative impact of marketing. Marketing Performance is something every CMO is measured on, but there is no distinctive definition or playbook around the topic. This framework will lay out the different stages organizations go through to optimize Marketing Performance, key levers that must be pulled to progress, and actions to take to move from under-performing to over-performing.

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 “You can’t tell people to go make a goal without giving them the right instrumentation and data” — RENÉ BONVANIE, PALO ALTO NETWORKS

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Marketing Planning Software

Marketing Planning Software

Marketing planning software refers to a digital tool or program designed to assist businesses in cre...