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The Comprehensive Survival Guide for Lead Routing and Account Assignment

Almost every company has the need to route leads and assign accounts.

It's about as universal a problem as you can get, yet it's also one of the most confusing subject areas in sales and marketing operations because every company uses unique routing and assignment processes, they change frequently, and there are a lot of technical solutions to help automate these processes.

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In this guide, we'll cover the following topics:

  • Understanding basic routing and assignment use cases
  • Identifying common business requirements
  • Scoping the best technology needs
  • Selecting the best technology options
  • Implementing deployment best practices

Solution Categories

Lead Generation Software

Lead Generation Software

Lead generation software refers to a digital tool or platform designed to help businesses generate l...

Lead Capture Software

Lead Capture Software

Lead capture software refers to a digital tool or platform that helps businesses collect and manage ...

Predictive Lead Scoring Software

Predictive Lead Scoring Software

Predictive lead scoring software refers to a specialized tool that assists businesses in evaluating ...