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The State of Account-Based Marketing 2020

Looking for account-based plays to run in 2020? Want to align teams behind one account-based strategy? And why are we saying “account-based” instead of “ABM”?

The global COVID-19 pandemic has shaken marketing organizations, leaving them with tighter budgets and the need to do more with less in new circumstances and environments. ABM has historically been known as expensive and only impactful for larger organizations with larger budgets. But the practice can be achievable for businesses of all sizes and budgets. This research report will uncover tips, best practices and use case examples of how an account-based approach is effective for businesses, teams and budgets of all shapes and sizes.

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“Our data shows that upwards of 93% of B2B organizations around the world intend to leverage an account-based approach to support what they’re trying to accomplish.” — Bob Peterson, Sirius Decisions/Forrester

Solution Categories

Account Based Marketing Software

Account Based Marketing Software

Account Based Marketing (ABM) software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses ...