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4 Things the Best Global Marketing Organizations Do Differently in Marketing Planning

The best-performing global marketing organizations have one thing in common: they’re extraordinarily competent at marketing planning.

What sets the best-performing global marketing organizations apart from the rest of the pack? We interviewed four marketing planning experts from IDC, Fuze, SmartBear and DemandGen International to uncover a set of strategies that have strengthened enterprise and mid-market market teams in this area. If you’re involved in the planning process in your marketing organization, this eBook will provide you with some fresh strategies to consider.

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Effective marketing planning … will lead to better business results, such as increased revenue, and positions marketers more strategically within their organization.” – JON RUSSO, B2BFUSION GROUP

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Marketing Planning Software

Marketing Planning Software

Marketing planning software refers to a digital tool or program designed to assist businesses in cre...