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Report Thomson Reuters Unlock Innovation.  Cultivate Obsession. Drive Growth.

Unlock Innovation. Cultivate Obsession. Drive Growth.

Cut through the noise and amplify impact

In the midst of uncertainty, consumers are looking towards brands to make an impact. Marketers are in a unique position to bridge the gap between brand and culture, tapping into the passion points of the consumer to cultivate obsession. Now more than ever, brands must set themselves up not just to survive but thrive. This May 8-9, Reuters Events: Strategic Marketing 2023 will bring together leaders from the world's most recognizable brands to define the future of marketing. This is the global platform to inspire and empower marketing leaders – map the digital DNA of your consumer, foster brand loyalty and community, and unlock innovation. The countdown to SM23 has begun - Join CMOs, trailblazers and experts in just one month for the most crucial learning and networking opportunity of the year! Download the brochure to access the c-suite speaker line up, agenda highlights, key themes, and more.

Report Snap Shot

  • Strategic Marketing 2023’s Four Critical Themes 
  • Setting the Agenda for Marketing Leaders Everywhere 
  • Why Reuters Events: Strategic Marketing 2023 is a Must-Attend 
  • Form Long-Lasting Partnerships and Raise Your Profile

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Marketing Planning Software

Marketing Planning Software

Marketing planning software refers to a digital tool or program designed to assist businesses in cre...