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What’s Working in B2B Advertising?

B2B advertisers overhaul targeting & identification processes, implement engagement metrics & AI for account-based advertising

With tighter purse strings in 2021, B2B marketers turned to account-based advertising strategies on a budget to create personalised ads that align with target account lists (TAL) and ideal customer profiles (ICP) to refine their targeting capabilities. This report explores B2B's shift to account-based advertising and the modernisation of advertising strategies through highly targeted engagement programs in digital and social channels.

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  • Marketers’ digital ad spend increased by 72% in 2021, while marketing budgets and buyer engagement decreased by 6%
  • "When we’re finding people online, we need to make sure that folks understand who we are and what we stand for, and how we are different from competitors. Otherwise, you and your advertising budget are going to get lost in the sauce." MICHAEL RUBY, RETINA

Solution Categories

Account Based Marketing Software

Account Based Marketing Software

Account Based Marketing (ABM) software refers to a digital tool or platform that enables businesses ...