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Data-Driven Marketing: How to Use Data Correctly and Drive Growth

Marketing organizations are undergoing digital transformation and incorporating more scientific, technical and data-driven strategies.

Marketing has experienced a fundamental shift. Techniques that worked for 50 years have grown stale, with lone surviving tenet: the customer is always right. Business success is now directly related to how closely we listen to the customer. Formerly, buyers were limited in the ways they could gather product information, but because of the web and social media, buyer behaviors have changed.

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This eBook explores the value of data driven marketing and how to effectively use data to drive business growth. Chapters include:

  • Why data-driven marketing
  • The basics of data-driven marketing and the customer journey
  • How to drive growth
  • How to optimize the customer journey
  • The road to data-driven marketing

Solution Categories

Marketing Analytics Software

Marketing Analytics Software

Marketing analytics software refers to a specialized tool or platform that helps businesses measure,...

Predictive Analytics Software

Predictive Analytics Software

Predictive analytics software refers to a specialized tool or program that uses statistical algorith...