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The Data ROI Toolkit: How to Determine the Value of your Data Initiatives

There is no sign that data science is on the decline.

Businesses have been investing in expensive data teams and infrastructure, in hopes of improving velocity and output of the team, but there is still little understanding of how to calculate the impact of that data spending. While most companies (and analysts) struggle with calculating big data ROI, including what exactly they need to measure to get there, larger data suggests that investing in big data, data science, machine learning, etc., is well worth it. But how can your business concretely show ROI? Download the Data ROI Toolkit now to find out more!

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"Many companies are, of course, reluctant to disclose the ROI they have received from their data science efforts (especially for specific projects that provide a competitive advantage). However, in February 2018, Forbes reported that Netflix credits its content recommendation engine with reducing customer churn to the tune of $1 billion annually."

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Marketing Analytics Software

Marketing Analytics Software

Marketing analytics software refers to a specialized tool or platform that helps businesses measure,...

Predictive Analytics Software

Predictive Analytics Software

Predictive analytics software refers to a specialized tool or program that uses statistical algorith...