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How to Measure Consumer Attention

A step-by-step guide to measuring attention across display, mobile, video, and branded content with Moat Analytics.

Across the myriad campaigns, ad formats, channels, and devices that marketers have in play at any given moment, getting a comprehensive understanding of performance is the only way to build a strong, results driven digital advertising strategy. However, this is only possible when marketers commit to measuring performance beyond baseline verification. Going beyond verification means quantifying consumer attention, which is no easy feat. Read this guide to find out more.

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  • How To Assess Your Campaigns Using Benchmarks
  • Measuring Metrics That Matter To You
  • Understand Whether Performance Metrics Indicate Campaign Effectiveness

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Marketing Analytics Software

Marketing Analytics Software

Marketing analytics software refers to a specialized tool or platform that helps businesses measure,...

Predictive Analytics Software

Predictive Analytics Software

Predictive analytics software refers to a specialized tool or program that uses statistical algorith...