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The State of Social Media and CX Q3 2021

In a time when consumers are prioritizing experiences above all else when interacting with brands, reaching them at the right time with the right content is critical.

Meeting people’s need for instant gratification is challenging, but the right social media programs can help bring a brand’s marketing, commerce, and care efforts to new levels. That requires having the latest data and insights at your disposal. This is the main goal of Emplifi’s Social Media and CX Trends reports — to dive into the latest Emplifi data in paid and organic social media data to share insights you can use to get the most from your social media efforts and deliver the stellar experiences your audiences seek.

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Fueled by a 10.5% growth between Q2 and Q3 2021, marketers spent 43.4% more on Facebook and Instagram advertising than they did in Q3 2020.