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  • 5 Reasons Why Enterprises are Moving to Broadband their WAN

5 Reasons Why Enterprises are Moving to Broadband their WAN

The way that enterprises and their users do business has changed – and so must their approach to connectivity.

Gartner predicts that by 2018 SaaS will become the dominant model for consuming application functionality for approximately 80% of all organisations. So how will your MPLS solution stand up to the flexibility, agility, insight and control needed for the new world of “connect anywhere to anything” at Cloud speed? Download this eBook to discover 5 reasons why enterprises are moving to broadband their WAN.

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The WAN has always been about connecting users to applications and moving data, but the playing field has now changed with datacenters migrating to the cloud along with missioncritical applications. Companies are increasingly moving away from traditional applications and the notion of a location is changing. Ultimately the way that enterprises and their users do business has changed - and so must their approach to connectivity.

Solution Categories

Network Monitoring Software

Network Monitoring Software

Network monitoring software refers to a type of tool or application that is designed to monitor and ...

Network Management Software

Network Management Software

Network management software refers to a specialized program or suite of tools designed to monitor, c...

Network Mapping Software

Network Mapping Software

Network mapping software refers to a powerful tool that allows users to visually map and analyze the...