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Security at the Speed of Your Network

As the volume and speed of network data increases, security tools are unable to keep up, resulting in degrading performance and unnecessary expenditures.

All of this increases the time to threat detection and the risks of a breach. The solution is to build an efficient network security architecture that copes with increasing speeds and performance expectations – whilst improving ROI, reducing complexity and cost. This whitepaper examines the security issues introduced by the increase in data moving over faster networks, and how to create an architecture that can solve these issues across physical, hybrid and cloud environments.

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  • The real costs of more supporting data at higher speeds 
  • How to implement an architectural approach to IT security to solve the speed and volume problem

Solution Categories

Network Monitoring Software

Network Monitoring Software

Network monitoring software refers to a type of tool or application that is designed to monitor and ...

Network Management Software

Network Management Software

Network management software refers to a specialized program or suite of tools designed to monitor, c...

Network Mapping Software

Network Mapping Software

Network mapping software refers to a powerful tool that allows users to visually map and analyze the...