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The CFO/Finance Director

Are Subscription models making CAPEX an outdated concept for network infrastructure acquisition?

If you only consider the direct costs of a network, then purchasing equipment yourself quickly appeals as the cheaper option, In this whitepaper we discuss the benefits of a 'subscription model' approach.

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The greatest benefit of a network subscription model from a finance viewpoint is that the infrastructure does not need to be prefinanced, referred to as ‘from CapEx to OpEx’. But the benefits are far reaching.

Solution Categories

Network Monitoring Software

Network Monitoring Software

Network monitoring software refers to a type of tool or application that is designed to monitor and ...

Network Management Software

Network Management Software

Network management software refers to a specialized program or suite of tools designed to monitor, c...

Network Mapping Software

Network Mapping Software

Network mapping software refers to a powerful tool that allows users to visually map and analyze the...