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Choosing a collaboration platform

8 questions every IT leader should ask

Software has transformed every business discipline. But the crucial discipline of collaboration is stuck in a rut. After the initial strides made by email, conferencing and chat apps, progress in collaboration has plateaued. We’ve got lots more apps to help us, but our work is far more fragmented than ever before. And it’s clogging up work across the business world. As an IT leader, you’re in a unique position to drive this change, improving work across the whole business

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  • What kind of commitment is there to change the way people work?
  • What are your company’s most strategic priorities?
  • How might collaboration contribute to these?
  • Are culture change and employee experience moving up the boardroom agenda?

Solution Categories

Remote Desktop Software

Remote Desktop Software

Remote desktop software refers to a type of software that enables users to access and control a remo...