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  • GlobalSign's Cloud-based Digital Signing Service vs. HSM-based Deployments

GlobalSign's Cloud-based Digital Signing Service vs. HSM-based Deployments

Digital Signature Deployments for Organizations Using Automated Document Generation, Workflow, or Management Software

For years, the most common option for organizations who wanted to integrate digital signatures into internally developed or off-the-shelf document workflows was to use an HSM (either on-premises or cloud) and configure the integration between the HSM, the document software, and the various cryptographic components needed to deploy signatures (e.g., signing certificates, key management, timestamping server, OCSP or CRL service). This required internal development resources with advanced cryptography knowledge.

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Download this report to learn about:

  • Simple integration with document workflows/software
  • No internal PKI expertise needed
  • Flexibility of signing identities
  • Saving time and resources

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Remote Desktop Software

Remote Desktop Software

Remote desktop software refers to a type of software that enables users to access and control a remo...