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  • Consolidating Software Licensing Technologies Post M&A

Consolidating Software Licensing Technologies Post M&A

A survival guide for software publishers & intelligent device manufacturers.

Technology companies recognize the value of hybrid growth as is evidenced by the many mergers and acquisitions that have taken place over the last decade. As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, mergers and acquisitions within the software industry will continue. As a result of frequent and repeated acquisitions, many software companies find themselves burdened with numerous software licensing management technologies. Download this whitepaper to learn the various ways software companies are addressing this issue.

Report Snap Shot

  • Who Owns Software Licensing and Why Does it Matter?
  • Options for Unifying Disparate Licensing Technologies
  • Actual Performance

Solution Categories

Remote Desktop Software

Remote Desktop Software

Remote desktop software refers to a type of software that enables users to access and control a remo...