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Digital Signing Service

Deploy scalable, cloud-based digital signatures when you need them

With GlobalSign’s innovative Digital Signing Service (DSS), you can deploy digital signatures into any application with one simple REST API integration. This means all supporting cryptographic components, including signing certificates, key management, timestamping server, and OCSP or CRL service, are provided in one API call with minimal development or overhead needed and no on-premise hardware to manage. As a leader in this space, we’ve designed DSS to reduce the latency and overhead that come with homegrown digital signature solutions and other, more complex integrations.

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Download this report to learn about:

  • Building trusted digital signatures into existing document workflow solutions
  • Outsourcing cryptography and PKI to a trusted third party CA
  • Signing with individual or department-level identity

Solution Categories

Remote Desktop Software

Remote Desktop Software

Remote desktop software refers to a type of software that enables users to access and control a remo...