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Get the Most out of your Existing Tech Stack

Integrate your tools with Slack

If you’re an IT leader, you’ve probably spent some uncomfortable hours wondering if the tools you’ve invested in are the right ones for your teams. It’s a stressful situation to find yourself in, but it could be worse. What if you’ve invested in the right tools but your people just aren’t using them? The challenge is clear enough. Enterprises use more apps than they can handle. The statistics vary, with some stating the average enterprise uses as many as 1,935 cloud services.

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  • Deploy more code Automate and monitor pull request management directly from your Slack project channel for faster, more reliable deployments. Integrating with your chosen Git makes it happen.
  • Keep projects moving forward Preview or open JIRA tickets right in your channel, without having to find and share the URL. That way, your people can skip the busywork and focus on tasks that drive projects forward.

Solution Categories

Remote Desktop Software

Remote Desktop Software

Remote desktop software refers to a type of software that enables users to access and control a remo...