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How Slack’s Own Developers Use Slack

Best practice in our engineering teams

To demonstrate the value Slack brings teams, it’s often easier to show rather than tell. As a company with engineering teams of our own looking to realise the full value of Slack in everything they do, we thought it made sense to turn the spotlight on ourselves. So, here’s the story of how Slack’s developers use Slack every day. Every team is different, so what works for us won’t necessarily work for everyone.

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At Slack we split our teams according to vertical pillars instead:

  • Platform The team responsible for external dev-facing features like APIs
  • Core The team that works on Slack as most users know it: the core product
  • Enterprise The team that makes sure Slack scales for big businesses
  • Infrastructure The team responsible for the back-end side of things

Solution Categories

Remote Desktop Software

Remote Desktop Software

Remote desktop software refers to a type of software that enables users to access and control a remo...