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Show Me the Money: Monetizing the IoT

As IoT innovation accelerates and permeates our daily lives, it will have a profound impact on business.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is disrupting entire industries around the world. There is a lot of ‘new’ – including devices, software, services – along with new opportunities for your business revenues to grow – or shrink. Download this whitepaper for an overview of the forces driving the IoT, the 10 major markets being disrupted, and the importance of ecosystems and partners in monetising the IoT. It also explains the critical need to innovate business models – not just products, and highlights new ways for hardware and software vendors to maximise the monetisation of their IoT investments.

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  • Nothing is New, but Everything is Different
  • Ecosystems Drive Greater Value
  • Ecosystems Partnerships Are Critical 
  • The Tools to Get You There 

Solution Categories

Remote Desktop Software

Remote Desktop Software

Remote desktop software refers to a type of software that enables users to access and control a remo...