Why Engineering Teams Love Slack and Why Yours Might Love It Too
The adaptive collaboration hub for software engineeringSlack has become bigger than ever imagined and its adoption by dev teams of all sizes is a major reason. Yes, Slack is used in pretty much every department and discipline, but software engineering is where it all started, and is still the source of a lot of the user love. Slack has been that able to create something that makes a direct impact on the daily working lives of developers.
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Software engineering is:
- Complex With lots of moving parts
- Highly iterative Proceeding in sprints and cycles
- Collaborative With design, devs, product people and QA folks in constant touch
- Distributed Often involving people in different places and time zones
- Open With sharing as a default setting
- Increasingly automated Supported by lots of tools and cloud services
Solution Categories

Remote Desktop Software
Remote desktop software refers to a type of software that enables users to access and control a remo...