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Customer Success Snapshot: Make-A-Wish

So you’re a large, well-known entity doing business with some decidedly massive and renowned enterprises (think: Disney). You need every meeting to be not only productive but also – let’s face it – close to perfect, from start to finish. That’s tough to achieve if you can’t even get to “Hello.”

Report Snap Shot

“The flexibility in the solution, and in pricing, was what made GoToMeeting affordable for us. ... We see huge cost savings from the day-to-day provisioning. That automation – huge time saver.” - Daniel Rivera, Technical Service Manager, Make-A-Wish

Solution Categories

Meeting Software

Meeting Software

Meeting software refers to a digital tool designed to facilitate and streamline the process of condu...

Video Conferencing Software

Video Conferencing Software

Video conferencing software refers to a digital platform that enables individuals or groups to hold ...

Web Conferencing Software

Web Conferencing Software

Web conferencing software refers to a digital tool that allows individuals or teams to collaborate, ...