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Data Trends Report 2023

How marketing professionals adapt to new technologies, campaigning methods and data trends to navigate through challenging times.

After two years of pandemic and restrictions, many of us were looking optimistically into the future at the beginning of 2022. For the first time in a couple of years, in-person trade shows and marketing events were announced, and more marketing budget was once again shifted into offline events and activities. However, it quickly became clear that 2022 would be characterised by economic volatility. With the highest inflation rates and energy costs in decades, the resulting cost of living crisis significantly impacted people’s buying behaviour and spending habits.

Report Snap Shot

This report covers key topics that will help to adapt to new technologies, campaigning methods and data trends.

Solution Categories

Mobile Marketing Software

Mobile Marketing Software

Mobile marketing software refers to a tool or platform designed to assist businesses in reaching and...

Advocacy Software

Advocacy Software

Advocacy software refers to a technological solution that helps organizations and individuals stream...